The future of business will be defined by the digital tools your company uses to achieve it's objectives. Our vision is to bring a digital toolset for small businesses like ourselves to be able to perform and deliver at par with major corporations. It will be the greatest equalizer and will allow small businesses to thrive. We are looking forward to drive automation through AI to help speed up busisiness performance.
It all started with frustration from not having the right technology available as a small business owner to be able to support my rental properties. As we grew bigger, our needs grew and we used financial tools in the marketplace but most tools were just not designed to support rental and condominium business operations. As we struggled with keeping our costs low and keep in compliance with needs of our tenants and condo unit owners, we built our own toolset.
Our existing expertise in managing properties combined with advanced technology like AI and analytics brought our vision of the best tool for our industry to what it is today. As we improve and add more innovations to our toolset, we hope to provide industry leading techology to businesses looking to move to digital business operations.